This study is testing a drug called **AVTX-009** for people with a skin condition called **Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)**. HS is a painful skin problem where lumps form under the skin, often in areas like the armpits or groin. The study wants to see if AVTX-009 works better than a **placebo** (a fake treatment) and if it's safe. **Randomized** means participants are chosen by chance to get either the drug or placebo. **Double-blind** means neither the doctors nor the patients know who gets the real drug or placebo. The study has three parts: a Screening Period (7-28 days), a Treatment Period (16 weeks), and a Follow-up Period (6 weeks). Each person can be in the study for up to 24 weeks. To join, you must have had HS for at least 6 months and have a certain number of skin lumps. You can't join if you have too many draining sores or other skin infections.
- The study lasts up to 24 weeks.
- Participants must have moderate to severe HS.
- You may get either the real drug or a placebo.